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Third Quarter State of the Company


By Chris Gauvin, CEO

This past quarter has been one of the most challenging in the history, not just of this company, but of companies across the globe. With revenues for most companies down an average of 25% for the year, the goal is survival. At CCOR, however, we’ve been able to stay focused, and our projected revenues are up over last year. We continue to grow even in this very challenging environment.

Looking Back:

Level 10 Meetings: Now that the company is fully engaged in EOS Level 10 meetings, we’re making more progress on issues in every department. This quarter, we’ve had to stay on top of constantly changing safety recommendations, from the State to the Department of Labor to the Department of Health. The Level 10 structure has given us the ability to solve those problems and address the everyday issues of running the business.

Rocks: One of our biggest Rocks was the Return to Work plan for COVID-19, a document that we continue to revise and discuss. Another important Rock was implementing AlayaCare, our new home care software. Switching our entire platform over to a new system during a pandemic was a challenge, but we’ve been able to hit all of our milestones, and soon it will be fully implemented. Additionally, we significantly expanded the Health Homes department, began collecting important field staff data for HR, tested a new digital document software called Fluix, and renegotiated some of our company contracts. Even during normal times, such progress is impressive, and I’m grateful to all who worked to make these achievements happen.

Communication: The biggest achievement, in my opinion, has been the alignment of the leadership team and the company as a whole. We are communicating better now than I’ve ever seen. We have a clear goal and a clear focus, and we’re all truly working together as a team.

COVID-19: Lastly, and not to be understated, is the fact that we’ve kept everyone safe. When you look at the transmission and infection rates as well as how many clients and employees we have in the community, we’ve had very low incidents of COVID-19 and none that can be traced back to CCOR. This a testament to all of our staff who have been rigorously following our procedures for safety.

Looking Forward:

5-5-5 Meetings: This quarter we will begin 5-5-5 Meetings, which will give staff and supervisors a better understanding of each other. In these quarterly meetings they will discuss how the staff member is fulfilling their roles, their Rocks, and our company Core Values.

Expanding Home Care Services: As result of this pandemic, I think we can all agree more and more people are going to want home care service as opposed to facility-based care. One of my tasks for this quarter is to look at ways we can diversify and give people more options on how to receive home care services from CCOR.

One Foot in Front of the Other: Recently, I spent four days in the Adirondacks with my son, climbing Mount Marcy, the tallest mountain in New York State. At first, I thought the climb would be easy, but halfway up, I realized it was going to be much tougher than I thought. At three-quarters of the way up, I didn’t think we could do it. At that point, we encountered some hikers, and one of them said, “Just put one foot in front of the other and you’ll be at the top.” Reaching the top, I thought, just like climbing that mountain, if we at CCOR can take it one step at a time, we can overcome any of the challenges we face. My mission is to make CCOR the best company to work for and to continue to give our staff the tools and guidance they need to make it successful. As long as we stay focused and put one foot in front of the other, I’m confident we’ll reach our goal.

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