By Sandy Lyons-Jackson, RN
Flu season is upon us, and the best way to protect yourself and those around you is to get a flu shot.
Influenza (flu) is a potentially serious disease. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends a yearly flu vaccine for everyone six months of age and older. While there are many ways to strengthen your immune system, a flu shot is the best defense. It is the most important step you can take in protecting yourself against the flu.
Getting a flu shot is easy. Simply schedule an appointment at almost any major pharmacy or your doctor’s office.
The Flu: The Facts
You cannot get the flu from the flu shot.
After a flu shot, you might feel a bit achy. A low fever is rare but possible; a headache is also possible. These mild symptoms are much better than having the flu!
The flu shot is safe, and it does help.
Did you know tens of thousands of people die of the flu every year? During the 2018-2019 flu season, flu was associated with over 34,000 deaths.
This year getting a flu vaccine is even more important. As COVID-19 remains a problem, a flu shot can help conserve health care resources.
The flu and COVID-19 are caused by different viruses, but they can appear similar. You may not be able to tell the difference.
Make plans to get vaccinated early in the fall before flu season begins. The CDC recommends that people get a flu vaccine by the end of October. It only takes moments to help save lives.
CCOR recommends that everyone get a flu shot: our clients, employees, families, and friends. That includes you! Encourage your family, friends, clients, and co-workers to get their flu shots as well.