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Heroes in the Home 2022 - Jeanette Gibson


In December we honored our 2022 Heroes in the Home. This is a Statewide Caregiver Recognition Program that celebrates caregivers who have been identified by their agency as outstanding over the past year. At Blossom, the aides with the most accrued points over the year are chosen for this honor.

What’s the most surprising aspect of this type of work?

The bonds you build with these people and how deep they can become. I know we're not supposed to because they're old. But you know what? We’re all human. How can you not? How can you spend three days a week with somebody and not bond?

How has home care work changed you as a person?

It has made me more understanding as a person. It has made me understand what these people need and how they want things done.

What is the biggest challenge in this type of work? The biggest challenge is patience. You gotta have really good patience in this field of work.

Is there a particular memory that stands out for you?

I had one client who was 97, and I got to spend her last days with her. I just had a great time with her. She would get dressed to the nines and we would go to the mall. I took her to the Salvation Army for the first time and she was amazed. I like doing things with my clients they have never done before, giving them a new experience.

What do you like most about working for Blossom?

The flexibility and understanding from the office if something comes up. My youngest daughter is epileptic and has other problems. When I run across a problem with her and call the office to tell them I have to go I don’t get any flack from them.

Who was the biggest influence on your work?

It was my grandmother. She was in the hospital. I saw the way she was treated, and that’s when I stepped in and said no that’s not how it’s done. I started taking care of her and I have been taking care of people my whole career.

What is your biggest takeaway from working as a home care aide?

Everybody is different and you have to learn how to adapt to each client. Everyone is different, with different personalities, different likes, and different dislikes.

What achievement are you most proud of? Adding joy to the lives of my clients. I like showing them new things and keeping their lives fulfilled with engaging activities. With one client right now, we are making Christmas tree crafts to celebrate the holidays. I am grateful I can bond with my clients.

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