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What to do on a Rainy Day...


FORECAST FUN! Don’t let a gloomy sky get you down. Here are some of Blossom's favorite rainy day activities:

Read a book.

Daniel Oonk and Laura Zanino both suggest reading a good book on a rainy day. A cup of tea will make it extra nice!

Go outside and enjoy the rain!

Katie Reed, our Education Manager, says “One of our favorite family quotes is, ‘Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about dancing in the rain.’ Our favorite thing to do on a rainy day is to get our umbrellas and rainboots and go out and play in the rain and jump in puddles.”


Our staff agree there’s nothing like a good old-fashioned family game! Here are some of our favorites: Jenga, Uno, Monopoly, Memory, Pie Face, Pacman Board Game, Heads Up, Family Feud, Let’s Make a Deal, and Bingo! Diana Ortiz suggests making up your own games like Name That Tune or What’s in the Bag? (put random items in a pillowcase and let people guess them by feel).

Bake or cook together.

Whether it’s cookies, cupcakes, or hamburgers, making food together can be a great way to spend a rainy day.

Look at old pictures.

CDPAP Supervisor Anilette DeJesus suggests pulling out your family photos and talking about fun times. Remember: a picture is worth a thousand laughs!

Arts and crafts.

Draw fun signs and posters onto big sheets of cardboard. Try making a recipe for homemade slime. Pull out the paints and get your Van Gogh on!

Craft kits.

A store-bought crafty kit can mean hours of fun, like the Garden Mosaic Stepping Stone Kit that our Marketing Outreach Coordinator, Melissa Mastantuono, is doing with her family.


A fun puzzle can be a family magnet. Try it!

Long talks.

Our Chief Clinical Officer, Sandy Lyons-Jackson, says a rainy day is the perfect time for a nice, long talk with those you love.


One of our favorite rainy day activities is cozying up on the couch and watching a movie. Popcorn is a plus!

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